H.O.P.E stands for Helping Other People Everyday! This is our Community Outreach Program which focuses on meeting spiritual needs in tangible, practical ways. These ways include but is not limited to...
Community Aid:
We provide Food, Clothing and Utility payments for families that find themselves in financial difficulties. Contact the Church Office if you need help with any of these areas.
We provide meals for people in need during the most needed times, Holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter people find themselves in greater need of help and it is our privilegd to provide meals for them.
We have several people in our church who are degreed and licensed counselors. These people are available at no cost to help individuals cope with the difficulties that life may bring. Counseling takes place in our church offices, at the clients home or at another place that may be more conducive for both counselor and client. Anyone needing help can simply contact us and we will be glad to put you in touch with our counselors.
Dorcus Project:
This is our Youth Programs Christmas Outreach to the Community. Names of needy families and children are giving to us by our area schools. Our youth, with financial support from the church, buy gifts for these families, wrap them, and deliver them. Food for Christmas dinner is also given to them. This past year we provided Christmas for 12 area children and their families.
Seasonal Assistance:
We also provide help to people, when requested, in the Spring and Fall for yard clean up and general home maintainence.